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The -less than- Great Debate!

October 4, 2012

Last night I, like so many other Americans watched the presidential debate, and saw the first face off between Barack Obama and his rival, Mitt Romney. Both men are intelligent, driven, and highly charismatic, but that is where my flattery ends.  This debate like so many others before it was farcical at best.  Niether candidate was in my opinion truly prepared to show America what they stand for, not truly, and not ever.


This is not a political blog, nor do I intend it to become one, however we are all subject to our own beliefs and passions.  I will not be descending into a political diatribe, but it is hard not to address politics, at such a crucial point in our history.  I for one have become disillusioned with our political system as I suspect have my readers. Regardless of our dissent we have little choice but to watch our fate unfold before our eyes, during such headliners as last night’s debate.

I was inspired to draw this last night while watching the contenders in hopes of capturing the drama of that debate, as that is more or less what such affairs come down to in the end, stage craft.  I don’t know whether or not I will be posting more political cartoons and drawings than these, but I will almost certainly be practicing to draw the candidates, as their grinning mugs will no doubt be plastered on every damn T.V. screen and scrap of paper from this day till November.

~ Anthony Cavalli

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